Hi copiman:
Windows Update Agent (WUA) at C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll on my 32-bit Vista system is currently
v7.6.7600.256 and hasn't been updated since
June 2012. I'm not aware of any newer version that is compatible with Vista, and I would recommend that you update to v7.6.7600.256 of the WUA if you have an older version.
See post #150 of SousaJAY's thread
windows update just seems to hang while checking for one possible workaround to your problem. The webpage
Search for Windows Updates takes forever? - A possible solution includes links to recommended Windows kernel-mode driver (Win32k.sys) updates that should be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center and installed before running Windows Update. The author of that webpage states:
This HowTo is valid for Win7 SP1 and Vista SP2, which have been newly installed or haven't been updated for some time. It should also help on systems that were up-to-date last month - just install the missing updates from the list below in this case...
...The term "solution" might be a little bit exaggerated, since the following HowTo only tries to make sure that the Update Agent doesn't need to check all updates, so the check for new updates is done faster. Futhermore, it's only a temporary solution; most likely the issue will appear again with the next Patchday."
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox v46.0.1 * NIS v21.7.0.11 * MBAM Premium v2.2.1