I removed Windows XP from one of my machines, and reinstalled Windows Vista.
(Vista was originally installed).
I have used the incorporated Windows update function to update. I think I've downloaded, and installed, about 200 updates.
Finally Windows Service Pack 1 shows up as an update alternative.
I choose to install as normal. I get a window where I have to accept terms, and I am told that the installation will take some time, including shutting down and restarting Windows several times. I accept.
The installations starts.
However; nothing seems to happen. The machine does not restart, and there is no further messages from the system in relation to the installation.
If I (as I have done some times now after waiting far beyond what should be a required installation time) restart the machine manually, Service Pack 1 yet again surfaces on the upgrade monitor as an update ready to get installed. If I choose to install again, the process restarts, and the result is nothing.
What is happening. Why won't Service Pack 1 install properly?
I removed Windows XP from one of my machines, and reinstalled Windows Vista.
(Vista was originally installed).
I have used the incorporated Windows update function to update. I think I've downloaded, and installed, about 200 updates.
Finally Windows Service Pack 1 shows up as an update alternative.
I choose to install as normal. I get a window where I have to accept terms, and I am told that the installation will take some time, including shutting down and restarting Windows several times. I accept.
The installations starts.
However; nothing seems to happen. The machine does not restart, and there is no further messages from the system in relation to the installation.
If I (as I have done some times now after waiting far beyond what should be a required installation time) restart the machine manually, Service Pack 1 yet again surfaces on the upgrade monitor as an update ready to get installed. If I choose to install again, the process restarts, and the result is nothing.
What is happening. Why won't Service Pack 1 install properly?