kb978251 cannot install: why?



I've performed a lot of searches, to no avail. I continue to see, via updates, that I'm supposed to download and install a security patch labeled KB876251. Every time, it fails, with an error message of, "80092004, unknown failure".

I have tried just letting update do it on its own. Fail.

I have disabled my Kaspersky, tried again. Fail.

I have downloaded the standalone file KB978251 and run it. Fail.

I have tried to do the same in safemode. Unable to run in safemode.

There seems to be many others with this issue for the file KB978251.

I have not hacked or modded my registry; I have run Vista64 Ultimate and patched it according to the updates I've received via auto update.

Does anyone have any insight on how I can get this security patch to take?


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1.From this site:Fix for Windows Update error 0x80092004 in Vista | Windows Reference

Intall normally remains updates which you don't have any problem next run cmd.exe with administrator previlliges (right click on cmd.exe as admin) and type:

net stop trustedinstaller

press ENTER

net start trustedinstaller

press ENTER,make sure it starts

wait at least 30 minutes -1 hour,and next try again install this hotfix

2.If point 1 fail,reset WU in aggressive mode How do I reset Windows Update components?
3.Uninstall completely Kaspersky and install this hotfix from Microsoft Download Center

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Thanks for the reply.

I tried number 1. Trustedinstaller restarted correctly. I waited 90 minutes. KB978251 still failed to install.

Note: the error code I get is "80092004" NOT "_0x_80092004". I found the link you posted on my own, several weeks ago. It seems to be 18 months old, or so. The error code and the reasons prompting the code seem quite different.

2. I ran WU normally yesterday. I ran it in aggressive mode again, after step 1 failed. Again, the update failed after a reboot.

3. I booted with Kaspersky turned off, not uninstalled. I don't want to go through the hassle of reinstalling, since Kaspersky has never prevented any other windows update. Anyway, Kaspersky off, fresh boot, installed KB978251 from a downloaded standalone executable from MS Download Center; fail to install.

What else can I try?


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Note: the error code I get is "80092004" NOT "_0x_80092004".
Codes 0x8....... and 8......... are equivalent

1.Run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges (right click on cmd.exe) as admin and type:

sfc /scannow

2.Run Readiness Tool Description of the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista, for Windows Server 2008, for Windows 7, and for Windows Server 2008 R2
even if this tool don't solve problem it create CheckSur.log file in C:\Windows\Logs\CBS folder
3.Download firegenul Altair Technologies Ltd.
place firegenul.exe in C:\Windows\System32

next again run cmd.exe with admin previlliges and type:


it creates report from WindowsUpdate.log and is saved to C:\Windows\System32 as FireGenReport.htm
4.Prepare log from VistaSysInfoTool VistaForums SysInfo Tool
5.Find CBS.log file in C:\Windows\Logs\CBS folder

all files CBS.log,CheckSur.log,firegenReport.htm and log from VistaSysInfo pack to ZIP format and attache to post

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Thanks. The one by one "bump" was due to the compressed size of some of the folders. I presumed there is a limit on what can be attached. I was correct: hence my two deleted posts. One at a time ensured the other files would be uploaded.

I appreciate the advice to either Repair or Upgrade. However, curiosity prompts me to ask what exactly in the log and CheckSUR files tells you that I have problems with Vista? (Other than the one recalcitrant hotfix, everything else SEEMS to be working correctly.)


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