Information that Tech ARP has gathered about the Windows 7 Upgrade Program seems to be inline with a previous rumor about three upgrade scenarios for Vista to Windows 7: Home Premium to Home Premium, Business to Professional, and Ultimate to Ultimate. While Microsoft has not revealed any final dates for the upgrade program yet, rumor has it that the program eligibility will begin on July 1, 2009.
In other words, if you purchase a computer with Vista preloaded on it, on or after July 1, up to some undecided date (OEMs can choose to have an even shorter timeframe within the one Microsoft will give), you will have the option to upgrade to Windows 7 for free when it becomes available.
I bought the 32 bit Ultimate vista oem and was told by MS live help desk, prior to installing, that i could utilise their 64 bit replacement disc service, to change to 64 bit. I actually kept the log. Yet now it appears that is not so, and the only way for me to get satisfaction is to take MS to court . This is a company making 5 billion dollars per annum in profit, yet they will not support OEM customers. That is disgraceful.
i dont know if they can be trusted with my operating system any more after that.
The whole point, Slimy, is i was told by a MS live help disc that the Windows Vista Alternate Media was an available option, yet when i tried to order a replacement disc, i keep getting a "no offer error". I have contacted MS Australia whom claim OEM users are not eligilble for that offer even though their employees say otherwise..
Suing big business's isnt that hard we have pretty good consumer laws in Australia, As Sony found out approx 10 years ago. They lost as will MS if it goes that far.
I got Vista by buying XP in Dec. '06 (I think) and they sent me an upgrade (Vista) disc in about April '07. They told me I had to jump through hoops to get it and then just sent it to me. (a little surprising) I got a new box with Vista preloaded last year. I have loved Vista and had very few problems with it. Can't wait for 7.