Parental Controls - Web Filter

How to Setup a Windows Vista Web Filter in Parental Controls

information   Information
This will show you how to use Parental Controls to restrict websites, make sure children only visit age appropriate websites, indicate whether you want to allow file downloads, and set up what content you want the content filters to block and allow. You can also block or allow specific websites.
Note   Note
Parental Controls is only availble to the Vista Home Basic, Home Premium, and Ultimate editions. Parental Controls can only be applied to Standard user accounts. If your computer is connected to a domain, Parental Controls is not available.

Here's How:
1. Setup and turn on Parental Controls.​
2. Click on Windows Vista Web Filter. (See screenshot below)​

3. Select (dot) Block some websites or content to turn the web filter on. (See screenshot below step 6)​
4. To Block Web Content Automatically -
A) Dot the restriction level you want. (See screenshot below step 6)​
NOTE: You can still block or allow specific websites.

5. To Block File Downloads -
A) Check the Block file downloads box. (See screenshot below step 6)​

6. To Allow or Block Specific Website -
A) Click on the Edit the Allow and block list link. (See screenshot below)​
NOTE: To block all websites except the ones you allow in step 6B, check the Only allow websites which are on the allow list box.​

B) Type in a website and click Allow or Block. (See screenshow below)​
NOTE: To block all websites except the ones you allow, check the Only allow websites which are on the allow list box.​
C) Click on OK when done editing the website list.​

7. Click on OK. (See screenshot below step 2)​
That's it,



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