Logon Screen Saver

How to Change the Logon Screen Saver Wait Time in Vista

information   Information
When you enter a logon screen and do not click on a user and just let it sit, in 10 minutes (wait time) you will see the default logon screen saver. This will show you how to change the logon screen saver wait time to what you want instead.

Here's How:
1. Open the Start Menu.​
2. In the white line (Start Search) area, type regedit and press Enter.​
3. Click on Continue in the UAC prompt.​
4. In regedit, go to: (See screenshot below)​
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop

5. In the right pane, right click on ScreenSaveTimeOut and click Modify. (See screenshot above)​
6. Type in how long you want the wait time to be for in seconds and click on OK.​
NOTE: The default time is 600 seconds (10 minutes). Just multiply how many minutes by 60 for the amount of seconds to enter.
7. Close regedit.​

That's it,



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