Hibernate Shortcut

How to Create a Hibernate Computer Shortcut in Vista

information   Information
This will save your current active state and shutdown the computer into a deep sleep, almost off. The keyboard and mouse will not wake the computer up in hibernation mode. Only the power button on the case.
Note   Note
This puts your computer into hibernation mode no matter what you have your power settings set for. You will need to press the computer case power button to wake up the computer to resume the same active state as when you put it in hibernation.
Tip   Tip
If you would like to create a keyboard shortcut key for this shortcut, then see: How to Create a Keyboard Shortcut for a Program in Vista
warning   Warning
You will need to have hibernate enabled for this hibernate shortcut to work.

To Download the "Hibernate" Shortcut

1. Click on the Download button below to download the Hibernate.zip file.​

2. Click on Save and save it to the Desktop.​
3. Right click on the Hibernate.zip file (on desktop) and click on Open.​
4. Click on Allow in the UAC prompt.​
5. Extract the Hibernate shortcut to the desktop.​
6. Move the shortcut to where you like for easy use.​
8. When done, you can delete the Hibernate.zip file (on desktop) if you like.​

To Manually Create the "Hibernate" Shortcut

1. Right click on a empty area of the desktop.​
2. Click on New and Shortcut.​
3. Typein the command below in the location field and click on Next. (See screenshot below)​
rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

4. Type Hibernate for the name and click on Finish. (See screenshot below)​
NOTE: You can type any name you would like though.

5. Right click on the new Hibernate shortcut (on desktop) and click Properties.​
6. Click on the Change Icon button. (See screenshot below)​
NOTE: For more on how to change a shortcut folder or file icon, see: How to Change a Shortcut Folder or File Icon in Vista

7. Clear the white line to the left of the Browse button, then type %SystemRoot%\System32\powrprof.dll and press Enter. (See screenshot below step 9)​
NOTE: If you have your own icon you would rather use, then just navigate to where you have it saved. Vista needs a 256 bit icon for the best viewing results.
8. Click on the icon highlighted in blue below and click on OK.​
Change Icon.jpg

9. Click on OK to apply. (See screenshot below step 6)​
10. Place the new Hibernate shortcut to wherever you like it to be.​
That's it,



  • Hibernate.zip
    630 bytes · Views: 3,003
  • Hibernate.png
    2.7 KB · Views: 438
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Re: Hibernate

This forum seems very attractive, especially the outstanding tutorials. Could I ask for this one to go one step further?

I really want to find a shortcut that will make my Vista Home Premium 32bit go to SLEEP. I have been able to create shortcuts for Hibernate, Restart and Shutdown but not sleep.

The default action on my start globe button does put the PC to sleep, so the machine is capable of it.

The ultimate aim is to reconfigure one of my keyboard hot keys to achieve a one touch sleep. I can configure them via the registry and have done so for Restart and Hibernate.

Unsuccessful attempts to create a SLEEP shortcut include: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState and shutdown with various switches.

Via the control panel I set the "When I press the Power button" option to every one of the options available without achieving success with a shortcut.

So, what program, with what switches is actually operating when I use the start globe and default button to put my PC to sleep? If I knew, I could create a shortcut to duplicate that command.

As you can see, I have tried and am obviously getting obsessed with this.

My Computer
