SP2 Prerelease Version - Uninstall

How to Uninstall the Vista SP2 Prerelease Evaluation Version
information   Information
The prerelease version of SP2 is time-limited software. If you installed a Vista SP2 prelease version, then you cannot install the final Vista SP2 version until you have uninstalled the prelease version of the service pack. This will show you how to uninstall the Vista SP2 prerelease. For more information on this, see: Information about Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and for Windows Server 2008

warning   Warning
This prerelease version of the Vista SP2 will no longer operate after May 1, 2010. You must remove the prerelease version of SP2 before that date for your Vista to continue to run.

Here's How:
1. Go to the View Installed Updates window in Programs and Features.​
2. In the right pane, select (click on) Service Pack for Microsoft Windows (KB948465), and then click on Uninstall.​
3. Follow the rest of the instructions to complete the removal process.​
WARNING: Your computer will need to be restarted to finish. Be sure to save and close anything that you are working on first.​

That's it,



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