Taskbar Auto-hide - Turn On or Off

How to Turn Taskbar Auto-hide On or Off in Vista

information   Information
This will show you how to turn on or off having the taskbar auto-hide until you move the mouse pointer over the location of the hidden taskbar to temporarily unhide it. By default auto-hide it turned off for the taskbar.
EXAMPLE: Taskbar Auto-hide Turned On
When turned on, the taskbar will be hidden until you move the mouse pointer over it. When turned off, the taskbar will be displayed and not hidden.

Here's How:
1. Right click on a empty area on the taskbar and click on Properties.​
2. To Turn On Taskbar Auto-hide
A) Check the Auto-hide the taskbar box. (See screenshot below step 4)​
B) Go to step 4.​

3. To Turn Off Taskbar Auto-hide
A) Uncheck the Auto-hide the taskbar box. (See screenshot below step 4)​

4. Click on OK. (See screenshot below)​

That's it,



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