Remote Assistance - Enable or Disable

How to Enable or Disable Windows Remote Assistance in Vista

information   Information
Windows Remote Assistance is a convenient way for someone you trust to connect to your computer and walk you through a solution. To help ensure that only people you invite can connect to your computer using Remote Assistance, all sessions are encrypted and password-protected. By default Remote Assistance is enabled. This will show you how to enable or disable Remote Assistance and how to adjust it's settings.

Enable or Disable Remote Assistance

NOTE: Remote Assistance will need to be enabled on both computers to be able to use Remote Assistance.
1. Open the Control Panel (Classic View).​
A) Click on the System icon.​
B) Go to step 3.​

2. Open the Start menu.​
A) Right click on Computer button and click on Properties.​

3. Click on Advanced system settings. (See screenshot below)​
4. Click on Continue in the UAC prompt.​

5. Click on the Remote tab. (See screenshot below step 7)​
6. To Disable Remote Assistance -
A) Uncheck the Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer box. (See screenshot below step 7)​
B) Click on OK.​
C) Go to STEP TWO below to disable the Windows Firewall settings for Remote Assistance to.​
NOTE: Since you have it disabled here, it is not necessary to do the same in Windows Firewall unless you just want to.​

7. To Enable Remote Assistance -
A) Check the Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer box. (See screenshot below)​
B) Click on the Advanced button.​
NOTE: To adjust the Remote Assistance settings.​

C) Adjust the settings to what you want. (See screenshot below)​
D) Click on OK when done.​
E) Click on OK. (See screenshot below)​

Windows Firewall Settings

1. To Allow Remote Assistance in Windows Firewall -
B) Make sure that Block all incoming connections is unchecked. (See screenshot below)​
NOTE: If this is checked, it will block Remote Assistance. Even when added as an exception in step 2 below.​

2. To Add Remote Assistance as an Exception in Windows Firewall -
B) Make sure that Remote Assistance is checked to enable it as an exception. (See screenshot below)​
NOTE: This will allow Remote Assistance through Windows Firewall.

That's it,



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