When I have Windows Media Player v.11 open, my cursor blinks rapidly back and
forth between arrow pointer and the rotating circle "Vista Hourglass"- needless to say this is VERY irritating. It is very distrating to use a cursor that is very
rapidly "stuttering" or "flashing" back and forth between the rotating circle
"Vista Hourglass" and the arrow. It does stop when I close Windows Media Player. But I should be able to have Windows Media Player open and idle without having this annoying super-fast blinking cursor-rotating circle "Vista Hourglass" thing.
Anyone can help?
forth between arrow pointer and the rotating circle "Vista Hourglass"- needless to say this is VERY irritating. It is very distrating to use a cursor that is very
rapidly "stuttering" or "flashing" back and forth between the rotating circle
"Vista Hourglass" and the arrow. It does stop when I close Windows Media Player. But I should be able to have Windows Media Player open and idle without having this annoying super-fast blinking cursor-rotating circle "Vista Hourglass" thing.
Anyone can help?