Will Windows Mobile 7 fix updating?

Windows Mobile has many things it could be doing better, and updates are near the top of the list. Currently, you have to get your update from your manufacturer (HTC, LG, etc.), but it looks like Microsoft might be changing that with Windows Mobile 7. The idea is to cut out the middle-man, so that users can get updates straight from Microsoft just as they do with Windows. In a March 12 job posting on Microsoft Careers, Microsoft explains that it is looking for a Principal Development Manager. Here's the part that's most important from the job description (emphasis mine):
Windows Mobile 7 will change the way you view your phone. We aren't just building a me-too iPhone or RIM competitor; we're changing the way customers use and experience their device. In the OS Platform team we are responsible for the OS, file systems, security, hardware platforms and drivers, networking & connectivity, location framework and updateability. In other words, we build the foundation upon which the rest of Windows Mobile is built.​
Full Story: http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/03/will-windows-mobile-7-fix-updating.ars