VLC, Vista x64 and G1S


New Member
The G1S media keys work for Windows Media Player, Media Player Classis, Winamp, and Itunes. VLC has the option to choose your own hotkeys and it shows things like Media Play Pause, Media Next, Media Prev, and Media Stop. Unfortunately, I have tried these and no effect what so ever.

I am asking someone else with a G1S, Vista x64, and VLC to try setting the hotkey in VLC because I have no way of confirming whether there is a problem with my install, unless I spend 4 hours backing up my files, 30 minutes installing Vista, and 1 hour installing drivers. That's 330 minutes that I do not want to spend trying to test this out.

If someone who already has VLC, Vista x64, and a G1S sets the hotkeys in VLC to Media Play Pause, Media Next, Media Prev, and Media Stop and tries them out could report back the results, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks again.

You won't bork your computer. You just need to change hotkeys in VLC and test the hotkeys.

My Computer
