Yesterday when I came back to my laptop after a break the screen was completely frozen. I could not do anything, use keys, use mouse etc and the only way I could try and restart was to hold down the start button until it shut down.
On trying to restart it say that:
"One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue. It counts down from 9 to zero and states
Windows will now check the disk"
hen nothing happens at all, just left with that on the screen.
I have tried using F8 at start up and been through most options.
Repair Your Computer
Says windows is loading files then tries to start then a large mouse arrow appears a couple of boxes appear and disappear momentarily then gives a System Recovery Options dialogue box asking which keyboard layout i.e. US on clicking next it askes for a Administrator login. The laptop only has only ever had one password and it states that the account has been disabled, please see your system administrator. I then have to cancel and it says 'do you want to cancel and reboot? Click yes and it goes back to the "one of your disks......." and sticks again.
Start In Safe Mode
Starts loading files/drivers but stops when it gets to AVG files (avgrkx86.sys, avglogx.sys, avgmfx86.sys and avgidshx,sys) Then does not do anything just states 'Please wait...' at the bottom
Start In Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Starts loading files/drivers but stops when it gets to AVG files (avgrkx86.sys, avglogx.sys, avgmfx86.sys and avgidshx,sys) Then does not do anything just states 'Please wait...' at the bottom
Enable Boot Logging
"One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue. It counts down from 9 to zero and states
Windows will now check the disk" then stops again
Last Know Good Configuration (advanced)
Tries to start then goes to black screen and stops
assist me in getting vista to start please so I can get to some files I need off the desktop
Thanks in advance for any assistance offered
Yesterday when I came back to my laptop after a break the screen was completely frozen. I could not do anything, use keys, use mouse etc and the only way I could try and restart was to hold down the start button until it shut down.
On trying to restart it say that:
"One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue. It counts down from 9 to zero and states
Windows will now check the disk"
hen nothing happens at all, just left with that on the screen.
I have tried using F8 at start up and been through most options.
Repair Your Computer
Says windows is loading files then tries to start then a large mouse arrow appears a couple of boxes appear and disappear momentarily then gives a System Recovery Options dialogue box asking which keyboard layout i.e. US on clicking next it askes for a Administrator login. The laptop only has only ever had one password and it states that the account has been disabled, please see your system administrator. I then have to cancel and it says 'do you want to cancel and reboot? Click yes and it goes back to the "one of your disks......." and sticks again.
Start In Safe Mode
Starts loading files/drivers but stops when it gets to AVG files (avgrkx86.sys, avglogx.sys, avgmfx86.sys and avgidshx,sys) Then does not do anything just states 'Please wait...' at the bottom
Start In Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Starts loading files/drivers but stops when it gets to AVG files (avgrkx86.sys, avglogx.sys, avgmfx86.sys and avgidshx,sys) Then does not do anything just states 'Please wait...' at the bottom
Enable Boot Logging
"One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue. It counts down from 9 to zero and states
Windows will now check the disk" then stops again
Last Know Good Configuration (advanced)
Tries to start then goes to black screen and stops
assist me in getting vista to start please so I can get to some files I need off the desktop
Thanks in advance for any assistance offered