Vista SP2 unable to install.


New Member
Hi, and thank you for existing...a great deal of my problems have already been solved by looking through several posts, so this may be an "advanced" scenario.

This computer is a Dell 531, Vista Home Premium x86. It had been running for several months with a bad stick of Ram, and damaged the file structure in winsxs. Through reading online, I have repaired all but one specific problem. Included is part of the CheckSUS.log of the "remaining pieces".

Checking Component Store
(f) CSI Payload File Missing 0x00000000 e100b325.sys x86_netefe32.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_c7b85a3052d70d0b
(f) CSI Manifest Missing 0x00000002 x86_75151b169ec716aa422c3e0785ebcccb_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18124_none_fc57f17d9f22f181.manifest x86_75151b169ec716aa422c3e0785ebcccb_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18124_none_fc57f17d9f22f181
(f) CSI Payload File Missing 0x00000000 msdasql.dll x86_microsoft-windows-m..b-odbc-provider-dll_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_23af43801122b7f7
(f) CSI Payload File Missing 0x00000000 imkrapi.dll x86_microsoft-windows-ime-korean-commonapi_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_d99763604b30cd8c
(f) CSI Payload File Missing 0x00000000 MmcAspExt.dll x86_netfx-aspnet_mmc_asp_ext_dll_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_6.0.6001.18000_none_90c29da7d3240485

Seconds executed: 1985
Found 5 errors
CSI Manifest Missing Total count: 1
CSI Payload File Missing Total count: 4

Unavailable repair files:

I need to be very clear about this...I am only having one remaining issue---have restored all of the manifests and payload files--I'm down to just the one Unavailable repair file---x86_75151b169ec716aa422c3e...blah...blah..blah...

Technet is very clear about it's seems as long as something starts with x86_microsoft...blah blah...then the package can be found...but in my case, I have this x86_75151b..blah blah...and there isn't an easy way to find this package.

I have some hints though:

It's a 6.0.6002.18124--which, I thought, would end up being a font based problem, and did a force reinstall of KB's 961371, 972270, and 980218 (downloaded the msu's, forced extract and start via (Generic way of brute force installing a .MSU package in Vista or Server 2008 - Aaron Tiensivu's Blog)

Note: When you do such a procedure, it's the only time that you can populate all of the manifest files that AREN'T named x86_microsoft---you actually get the x86_stringofnumbers.manifest files...unfortunately, while a BUNCH of x86_### were generated in each of the above folders with a forced install...none of them happened to match my x86_75151## above. I'm having horrible problems finding exactly which update contains this file---that I ultimately need--to get SP2/System Readiness to pass it's freaking tests...

So, the questions:

Is there a way to adhoc force uninstall this particular x86_manifest (other than just deleting the reference in the HKLM, which, by the way, doesn't solve the problem--I've obviously got to remove some OTHER reference, perhaps in CBS, but I don't know how) so that SP2/System Readiness can continue, or....

Is there a rhyme or reason to the particular manifest number--the 75151###--which provides some freaking hint as to what update or package I'm supposed to be looking for?

Note: This isn't a standard CBS/CheckSUS problem involving a missing .cab or mum file, or even a library (sys/dll/etc) that I can see. It's really just an entry about an installer manifest--which is why this is so wierd to me. Given that this entry really points to NO files...I fear that it's a bogus manifest entry--something that was supposed to be cleaned out after a successful update--so it really isn't something that's supposed to be there, exist, or whatever...but I'm stuck with it, because I don't know the answer to question #1. Answer question #2 would give me the ability to re-install the package, which would rewrite then unwrite it, or at least give me the ability to follow with an uninstall which would clean the CBS/SUS datastore.

If I've missed some other logical step--other than the dismissive answer of system repair/restore/update--please advise.

My Computer

I've created tutorial about repairing corrupted components and it's identify System Update Readiness Tool - CheckSur.log File Analyzis - Windows 7 Forums[2]=General%20Tips

Unavailable repair files:

I need to be very clear about this...I am only having one remaining issue---have restored all of the manifests and payload files--I'm down to just the one Unavailable repair file---x86_75151b169ec716aa422c3e...blah...blah..blah...
Mentioned corrupted components belongs to KB976749 An update is available for Internet Explorer that resolves issues that occur after you apply security update 974455 (MS09-054)

I don't have Vista now but here was enough only to google ;) ,of course mostly updates isn't very precisely documented and without comparing with another computer or analyzis COMPONENTS hive then out of chance to identify.

Good luck.

My Computer

Aaagh!!! Flavius!!! What evil backdoor dost you have that populates google searches?

For two days, I searched for various parts and pieces of x86_75151b169ec716aa422c3e0785ebcccb_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.18124_none_fc57f17d9f22f181.manifest

Different combinations, small parts, etc... Never found a thing. Gave up on Google, went to technet, nothing...Now when I search, I see the KB, plus your post. Evil!!!


Thank you...I had to uninstall IE8 to apply the IE7 version of the patch, play some /temp/CheckSUR files games, then reapply IE8...worked like a charm. Thank you so much for your help.

As an aside, this WinSxS stuff IS better than .dll hell, right? Really? I sure do need some convincing from a technical standpoint. *sigh*


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