New Member
So I have a Lenovo 3000 N100 lap top with windows vista home premium. A couple days I had to reformat and literally spent TWO days doing nothing but downloading updates. After about 90 updates and the hell of having to download IE 8, I get told via windows update to download SP1. I already went through a lot of hell trying to install it last year. Long story short, help from Microsoft is worthless. Sent an email about it and despite the "we'll repspond in 8 hours or something" it was 3 days later and and basicaly just sent me a copy and pasted web page about the issue that I already CLEARLY specifyed in the email saying the methods did not work. Anyways this time I go to instal and everything worked smoothy, tell me to restart, then when it boots it gives me the whole "Ntoskrnl.exe" is missing or corrupt deal. Didn't have the infamous "vista disc" because microsoft won't supply it with anything that not made by them, but from what I read that method dosen't work. So the only choice I had was to reformat AGAIN, after just updating everything again two days before <_< So after spending another 2 days getting up to date it poped up again, for the time being windows update is disabled, I'm not instaling something that destorys a computer. Suposedly there is this "free" program called RegCure, but its a SCAM, found like 765 errors, but won't fix 95 percent of them unless you wana pay for it despite it being "free" <_< So does anyone know a way to possibly get around this problem or ensure it doesn't happen again? Because until then I refuse to instal anymore updates from microsoft