Solved Vista - Needs Service Pack 1

Hello I am new.......Name is Philip - Please help.

I am at my wits end here and need assistance.

I have a lap HP dv6700 Vista Home (w/Windows 7 as an upgrade) That is, I had upgraded to Win 7 last year but went back to Vista.

I noticed that I had lost much of my hard drive space - I suspected a virus (conficker?) so I did a clean install -back to Vista Home/

The virus became really noticeable after the Clean Install.

Sometime during the Windows Up-Dating process I noticed the Control Panel was empty/then missing - Then after a few clicks all I get now is a "Flash" on the screen - as though its attempting to load.

I also Lost Windows Update function and along w/Control Panel and "personalization" of the desktop. (so far)

I have tried everything - and there are things missing from the list below.

When I tried to install my free ComCast Norton 360 it was a No Go - it said I needed at least Service Pack 1 - so I tried to install it. No Go -

It said I needed .NET Framework 3.5 sp1 - it was No Go

When I try to use a Microsoft "FixIt" it does not load (it worked at first)- always an error message -

Did chkdsk and Scanow.......(several times)
Installed and ran SuperAntiSpyware, and MalwareBytes.
I did the SL UI Notification as well.

I used the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista (KB947821) [May 2012] to no avail.

Used cleanupkit net frame 3.5 ???

Power Shell will NOT load when I try "microsoft hotfix" - power shell won't download"

Tried the Microsoft "Deploy software" No Go




My Computer

It sounds very much to me as if you need to do a complete system wipe and reinstall - not just a standard reformat.
Do you have your Vista on manufacturer's Recovery disks, or is it on a hidden partition?
What type of Upgrade to Win7 did you have (one of the 'free upgrade' disks, a normal Upgrade pack, or what?)
- do you want to go back to Windows 7?

Have you backed up all your data to external storage?

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
It sounds very much to me as if you need to do a complete system wipe and reinstall - not just a standard reformat.
Do you have your Vista on manufacturer's Recovery disks, or is it on a hidden partition?
What type of Upgrade to Win7 did you have (one of the 'free upgrade' disks, a normal Upgrade pack, or what?)
- do you want to go back to Windows 7?

Have you backed up all your data to external storage?

The disc (HD) was reformatted - I had done a "Clean Install" (6hrs) using the three "factory discs" that I received in the mail. I needed them because the "Restore Drive" (partition) was corrupted (and eventually deleted) which meant that I was unable to do a System Recovery from the partition.

I did the Windows 7 Up Grade by means of a Download from their site - I tried to use the "product #" again for a repeat (this time) but the online version had expired - so I sent for the 7 Disc - will arrive Tuesday - BUT I would rather stay Vista with this computer.

Yes - I have a 1 Tera external disc drive and everything I have is on there.

PS.....I was looking forward to some real practical advice. Since there aren't any responses here to speak of - at least not what I had hoped for - (other than to reformat, which is what I wanted to avoid), I have decided to just do it on my own and go ahead and do another reformatting "Clean Install" and hope for the best with respect to any remnants or residuals of the StuxNet I got hit with.........

One more thing........WHY do my postings have to await MODERATION??? - and for for many hours???
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My Computer

Hi Phillip, sorry for the extremely late responses.

Your posts await moderation only once you're new, after you post one or two more times the moderation will go away.

If you haven't found a solution yet, I can try to help you with your issues.

At first, when you said that after the clean installs you still had space remaining, that might of been from a windows.old file which you can get rid of by going into windows button > accessories > system tools > disk cleanup. Although formatting the disk should clean it even further.

Also, one of our admin's has created a thread just for this issue.

Try this.

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  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed
'download from their site' - whose site? MS Downloads do not expire.
Please fill in your system specs so that we can see what sort of machine we're talking about.
I take it that the three-disk install is from HP - is one described as being th eoperating system disk, and the others Applications and drivers, or do you have to use all three?

Did the HP's bundled software include an Anti-virus? - that should be uninstalled, and the AV manufacturer's removal/cleanup utility should be run to remove interferences to any replacement you install.

Note that many current AV's will cause problems with Vista RTM - including a non-genuine response from WGA - and it's worth downloading the standalone installers for both SP1 and SP2 on another machine, and installing them while offline.

The fact that the Restore disks took 6 hours is worrying - it almost certainly means that either
1) you still have malware/virus problems
2) your disk is failing.

You can check the disk by using the HD manufacturer's test utility - it will probably also have a 'low level format' option which , assuming the drive passes testing, you should consider using, as it will return the drive to a totally clear state.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Try to disable "Floppy Disk" in your BIOS, if the restore disk still takes 6 hours, then it seriously looks like you need a new hard drive.

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed

Appreciate the response. Hard Drive is fine - I had a virus.

MS disables the ability to do another online download of the Windows 7 online upgrade after a year or so - so I had to order the three upgrade discs - 2 for the "7 install" and one for - applications, and drivers etc.

Its a moot point anyway because I got tired of waiting for responses so I loaded Windows 7 again from the upgrade disc they sent me, and now the computer is like brand new.

Just as an FYI you cannot load an "upgrade" from the F9 CD DVD selection. You have to do it from the desktop through the old Vista then erase the Windows.old files. I mention it because I was told that in order to avoid further contamination from infected Vista settings and files, etc., that I absolutely had to load from the disc.......not possible. - It might be possible with a Windows 7 disc - but I didn't have that - I had a Windows 7 Home "UPGRADE" from Vista Home disc. Big difference.
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Glad you found your issue and fixed it.


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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion G6
    750GB HDD 6GB RAM
    Graphics card(s)
    AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon HD Graphics
    Internet Speed