I've taken every measure to disable Vista's Data Execution Prevention from shutting down an application that I am being forced to use (it's called GameGuard, used in some Asian MMO's for anti-hacking).
I've tried disabling DEP through the Vista GUI by adding exceptions and I've tried disabling through the command prompt with the guide posted on this site. When I go to the DEP menu in Vista it's all greyed out now which supposedly would be signifying the inactivity of DEP. To no avail, however, as GameGuard continues to be forcefully terminated by Vista while showing a DEP notice.
Has anyone figured out how to get rid of this Vista feature?
I've tried disabling DEP through the Vista GUI by adding exceptions and I've tried disabling through the command prompt with the guide posted on this site. When I go to the DEP menu in Vista it's all greyed out now which supposedly would be signifying the inactivity of DEP. To no avail, however, as GameGuard continues to be forcefully terminated by Vista while showing a DEP notice.
Has anyone figured out how to get rid of this Vista feature?