vista corrupted system32


New Member

I have a corrupted System32 file on windows Vista

I tried to boot from the windows 7 disk and also from the windows XP disk to do a clean install.

This doesn't work however, I set the boot in BIOS to cddrive so I don't see the problem.

does someone know how I can instal windows 7 or windows XP on my corrupted Vista?


My Computer

I also don't see the problem, because "this doesn't work" just doesn't cut it as a reasonable error description, unless you expect Nostradamus to help you.

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thx Richc46
but I think I'll need to try it later on because the server "sevenforum" isn't responding :)
I hope it will work.

because I tried for hours to get the cd to work

the server works again
I tried to do the clean install

but i never get the promp "press any key to start DVD"

The pc boots from the dvd then goes to the screen where I can choose how the start my windows (save mode, normal,...).
after I choose one of these options I get a blue screen and the pc restart to do this again.

That's why I can't install from a windows cd so anything you recommend to do?


ps: srr if my sentences are wierd I'm from Belgium :D
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My Computer

Take your time.

If I am online and I get notice that you posted,I will help. When off line others will be glad to help, too.

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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT
Are you saying that your screen turns blue and then everything stops? or does it turn blue and the process begins again and again, in a loop?

If everything stops that is called a BSOD. Post the answer to my question, if everything stops follow the instructions in the link.

[1 - Novice] How to ask for help with a BSOD problem - Windows 7 Forums
Same for Vista and for Windows 7

If no, post and when I return I will try to help, again.

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    Dell XPS420
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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT
If you see the options dialog where you can choose safe mode and other boot up options then you're most likely not booting from CD. That might also explain why you didn't see the "press any key to start DVD" message. Do you also get a BSOD in safe mode? If so, what does it say?

My Computer

so first it says "booting form cd/dvd

then I get to the screen where I need to chose how I wanna start my windows (normal,safe..)

then my screen turns blue and it begins to:
- collect data for crash dump
- initialize data for crash dump

then does a crash dump and then the whole process begins again in a loop.

so this is the whole proces

My Computer

Follow the directions that I gave you above and post the information you will be helped.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell XPS420
    6 gig
    Graphics card(s)
    ATI Radeon HD3650 256 MB
    Sound Card
    Intergrated 7.1 Channel Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
    Hard Drives
    640 gb
    Dell USB 4 button optical
    Dell USB
    Other Info
    DSL provided by ATT
how do I copy the contents of \Windows\Minidump to another (temporary) location if I can't enter the machine? :s

because after the crash dump It just does the whole process again :s

srr I never had this before so I really have no idea of what to do

I just need the windows cd to work so I can do a clean install

sorry for the trouble

My Computer
