vista background fit to screen


New Member
Whenever I set a new wallpaper the default setting for the background is center.
I want it to be set to fit to screen.
Is there a registry setting for this so the default goes to fit to screen so don't have to keep changing it.

My Computer

Using the options does make the change.
But I have to do that everytime I change a wallpaper.
I want it to default at Fit to screen so I don't have to change it when I change a wallpaper.

My Computer

Very strange as when you change the way the wallpaper is displayed, it changes the registry accordingly so it keeps in memory the last change.
Once you have made the change of wallpaper and set to "Fit the screen, verify that in the registry at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop the value for tilewallpaper is 0 and wallpaperstyle is 2, verify the same keys in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General

My Computer

I figured out what the problem was. I am using Windowblinds and it only happens when I change to a new Windowblinds. For some reason it doesn't fit to screen when a new windowblind theme is chosen.
Thanks for the help.

My Computer
