I finally decided to upgrade to Vista, and since I have 4GB ram I thought I'd give 64bit a shot.
Every game I play crashes, or fails to load at all, or gets into the game and crashes during map load.
8800GT 512
I have Vista Ultimate 64 installed. I have installed and re-installed the OS multiple times to no effect. I've downloaded all of the windows updates.
During one of my first installs of vista, I was able to get in to games of codwaw, but then it would crash after about 5 secs.
Games tried: CoD4, CodWaW, Crysis Warhead, TF2. They all crash or fail to load even the menu.
I also installed the Texas Hold-Em poke game with Ultimate extras. I noticed that the felt was artifacting strangely.
I have reinstalled the 181 x64 nvidia drivers a few times thinking this was the issue. It didnt fix it. I tried the beta 185 drivers and older 178 drivers. All end up with my games crashing, including the hold-em artifacting.
So i have been reading forums such as this and googling and the Realtek audio drivers get a huge mention for causing game crashes. I ahve updated the driver to the latest from the realtek site. Still no good. Re-installed them a few times.
Curiously, when I disabled the audio device in device manager, cod4 failes to even get to the main menu. As soon as I re-enable the audio device, cod4 boot to the menu but crashed on the map load.
I've done a check disk on both c:\ and D:\ (apps and games installed on D
. Both show no bad sektors. I've defragged as well. Page file is on c: but i tried it on both and on just D: still same.
I also came accross a few program chrashes. one stated that files on D: was corrupt which is why i ran chkdsk on my HDDs. Also had a few files on D:\ become corrupt.
Short of going out and buying a PCI or PCI-E sound card, i dknot know what else to try. I suspect its the audio drivers but I really cant be sure.
This PC I had running XP32 without a hitch for a year. Soon as I upgrade to V64, boom not a single game works. So I doubt its hardware. i suspect its a driver/vista issue.
Any advice? What else can I try? I'm going nuts here. I'm close to packing it in and going back to XP
P.S. UGH Just as I type this, Windows Defender just crashed :/
I finally decided to upgrade to Vista, and since I have 4GB ram I thought I'd give 64bit a shot.
Every game I play crashes, or fails to load at all, or gets into the game and crashes during map load.
8800GT 512
I have Vista Ultimate 64 installed. I have installed and re-installed the OS multiple times to no effect. I've downloaded all of the windows updates.
During one of my first installs of vista, I was able to get in to games of codwaw, but then it would crash after about 5 secs.
Games tried: CoD4, CodWaW, Crysis Warhead, TF2. They all crash or fail to load even the menu.
I also installed the Texas Hold-Em poke game with Ultimate extras. I noticed that the felt was artifacting strangely.
I have reinstalled the 181 x64 nvidia drivers a few times thinking this was the issue. It didnt fix it. I tried the beta 185 drivers and older 178 drivers. All end up with my games crashing, including the hold-em artifacting.
So i have been reading forums such as this and googling and the Realtek audio drivers get a huge mention for causing game crashes. I ahve updated the driver to the latest from the realtek site. Still no good. Re-installed them a few times.
Curiously, when I disabled the audio device in device manager, cod4 failes to even get to the main menu. As soon as I re-enable the audio device, cod4 boot to the menu but crashed on the map load.
I've done a check disk on both c:\ and D:\ (apps and games installed on D

I also came accross a few program chrashes. one stated that files on D: was corrupt which is why i ran chkdsk on my HDDs. Also had a few files on D:\ become corrupt.
Short of going out and buying a PCI or PCI-E sound card, i dknot know what else to try. I suspect its the audio drivers but I really cant be sure.
This PC I had running XP32 without a hitch for a year. Soon as I upgrade to V64, boom not a single game works. So I doubt its hardware. i suspect its a driver/vista issue.
Any advice? What else can I try? I'm going nuts here. I'm close to packing it in and going back to XP

P.S. UGH Just as I type this, Windows Defender just crashed :/