MSI Motherboard (unsure of exact model, has n1996 on it)
4g PJ ram 2x2
BFG 450w PS (brand new, very stable)
300g HDD
Nvidia 512mb
I was just using the computer this morning, everything was fine. As I am talking to my signifigant other on the phone, it just shuts down across the room. It has never rebooted itself, so i went into safe mode and everything was running as normal. Restarted normally, made it to the Vista logo then it dumped again. Just as I was thinking I didnt have anything planned today of course.
I restarted it in safe with networking, got online, checked my email, and after 5 minutes or so it dumped yet again. Nothing was running other than IE, and was jsut reading an email at that. Over the next hour or so it got progressively worse till the almighty Blue Screen. Dropped auto restart and this is what I seen.
Unmountable Boot Volume
STOP: 0x000000ED (0xFFFFFA8004F83540, 0xFFFFFFFFC000009C, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
Never had this happen before, and although in retrospect i should have brought my disks with me (i am doing DoD contract work in TX, everything is in GA)
any thoughts? I am thinking either windows or the HDD dropped.
MSI Motherboard (unsure of exact model, has n1996 on it)
4g PJ ram 2x2
BFG 450w PS (brand new, very stable)
300g HDD
Nvidia 512mb
I was just using the computer this morning, everything was fine. As I am talking to my signifigant other on the phone, it just shuts down across the room. It has never rebooted itself, so i went into safe mode and everything was running as normal. Restarted normally, made it to the Vista logo then it dumped again. Just as I was thinking I didnt have anything planned today of course.
I restarted it in safe with networking, got online, checked my email, and after 5 minutes or so it dumped yet again. Nothing was running other than IE, and was jsut reading an email at that. Over the next hour or so it got progressively worse till the almighty Blue Screen. Dropped auto restart and this is what I seen.
Unmountable Boot Volume
STOP: 0x000000ED (0xFFFFFA8004F83540, 0xFFFFFFFFC000009C, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
Never had this happen before, and although in retrospect i should have brought my disks with me (i am doing DoD contract work in TX, everything is in GA)
any thoughts? I am thinking either windows or the HDD dropped.