Uninstalling Vista SP1 RC problems


New Member
So I have exhausted most of my standard methods of dealing with problems but I can't seem to fix things so I'm hoping someone here can help me out.

I am running Vista Business x64 edition with SP1 RC (6.0.0 build 6000). I went to the add programs and selected uninstall updates, selected the service pack and clicked uninstall. It did its little thing and I restarted. It went through all the stages and now I am running into a problem. Right now my computer will boot up and the following is on the screen.

"Uninstalling Service Pack: Stage 3 of 3 - 0% complete. Do not turn off your computer."

From there the percent complete will jump to 100% after a few seconds and stay on 100% for a couple of minutes. The computer will then reboot and this process will keep happening over and over again.

I have booted up with my install DVD and tried to repair the installation. I am able to get to a command line and tried running
start /w pkgmgr /up:VistaSP1-KB936330~31bf3856ad364e35~x64~~
This did not return an error but did not change anything when I stopped booting from the DVD.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the SP1 RC to fully remove so that I can install the non release client SP1?

Much thanks!

My Computer
