Ok, so I have been over, under, and through every forum concerning this issue. Tried everything: resetting adapter, refreshing ipconfig, disconnected and restarted all equipment, reinstalled drivers, factory reset router. Nothing seemed to work, until I came across a post that said to set your ip address yourself. So here's what you do:
1.Go to network and sharing center (right click on your connection icon, lower right on screen, click network and sharing).
2.Click on Manage Network Connection to the right of this window
3.Now right click on the adapter you are trying to use and select properties.
4.Click on ipv4 Internet and click properties
5.Ok, so now you need your routers IP, you can get to this if you have access to the router. I have a netgear router and set the following:
IP Address (The reason the end is 3 is so it doesn't conflict with my other computer)
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Preferred DNS:
I'm pretty sure these are the same for most routers, but I could be wrong. Double check by googling your router or just by accessing your router. i.e. for netgear, it is routerlogin.net.
After you change all these things manually you should be up and ready to go.
One more thing: PASS THIS ON. There are so many frustrated people in forums, and looking for a solution to this stupid Vista Problem(the people at microsoft should really fix this.