Unable to log on as administrator


New Member
I am no IT expert so please bear with me.
At home my pc has 3 users with me being the administrator. I have some sort of trojan which seems to have attached itself to my login only. As i am unable to log on as myself (the administrator) i am unable to make the necessary changes to remove this trojan. The pc doesn't boot in safe mode and just comes up with a blank screen, no sound comes from the pc which suggests it isnt working, but if i logged on as another user then everything works fine apart from not having administrator privileges which means i can't run anti virus or delete the trojan.
I have been told to try 'run as administrator' on the command prompt, then typing net user administrator /active:yes but this doesn't seem to work because if i tried to change something it says that access is denied and that i should log on as an administrator. Is there a sure fire way i can log on as an administrator through another user as i do not have the Vista installation disc.
I have run SuperAntiSpyware which finds the trojan and deletes it as normal but when i reboot the problem of not being able to log on as myself (the administrator) still remains.
Can someone help and please beware i am not highly technical?

My Computer

It won't let me do a system restore because it won't let me on as an administrator. My log on has the virus so i'm using a standrad user account
Any ideas?

My Computer
