Temporary 2 sec lag


New Member
hey guys,
I just got a new system with vista 64 bit and for a few weeks i have been pulling my hair out trying to find a compatable adapter, and i finally found it (D-Link DWL-G122 rev C1.) and im very pleased that i can actually connect to my network (finally).

However, the only problem im having is that everytime i play an online FPS, i noticed it will say for a few seconds: Problem with internet connection, and then it will go away and i can continue playing. It happens about every minute, and i remember an issue like this with Windows XP and it was solved by Disabling the Windows Network Wireless Zero configurer, but with vista, im not seeing this in the windows services. Im assuming its another type of service that does the same thing, suspends the connection temporarily to renew or search for networks (or whatever). Does anyone know how to solve this issue? or if there is a service like the wireless zero configure that i can disable once im connected to keep a solid connection?

feedback greatly appreciated.

My Computer

I am fighting a similar problem, but once mine disconnects it doesnt reconnect. In my search for an answer, I came across "Vista Anti-Lag". It helped my problem but I dont think I am 100% cured, but it is supposed to be the fix to your problem. I am not sure if it is vista64 compatible. Google "vista antilag" for the free d/l, as I don't recall the site, but there was alot of info on it. BTW it does seem to be a reoccurance of the "wireless zero" thing xp had, but vista has no way to disable it!

My Computer
