Thanks for your help, Ed. Having only recently started tagging pics,I was so busy tagging, I hadn't actually noticed what facilities Photo gallery offered. I hadn't begun to call up groups of pictures, so I hadn't realised the significance of left hand list of tags.Thanks to you, I can now sort by tagged pics, and delete tags on the left as you suggested. BUT I still can't delete from the right hand group - (that list of options which pops up when you are allocating tags) - that I first mentioned. Also, I notice that there are 23 tags in use in left hand list and only 10 in the options. Why are the lists not the same? In other words, why don't all the tags in use in the folders, turn up in the options list? Some of those in my (smaller) options list are nonsense or mistypes, which I don't want. I have tried attaching the mistype to a photo and then deleting on the left,it as you suggested, but it still comes up in the options even when no photo is using it. Any suggestions?