System Variable Changed


New Member

I accidentally changed a part of a system variable for the CLASSPATH and Path

Can someone tell me what is supposed to be there?

You can get there by going to your control panel, then going to system, then
clicking on advanced system settings, then click on the advanced tab, and
finally click on the environment variables.

You should see CLASSPATH and Path in the top box, if not, scroll down under system
variables and you will in the variable side, CLASSPATH and Path, and if you could
tell me what the value is, it would be wonderful!

Thank you in advance!


My Computer


Of course, your boot partition might be different. Other apps may have added their own entries to the path, so don't be suprised if you see error messages until that's restored too.

CLASSPATH is not a default envvar. One of its uses is for Java (the JDK), but the OS doesn't care whether there's a classpath and what it points to.

My Computer
