New Member
Everytime I load windows into my brand new Sony Viao...I get the same thing
In a few days in takes away the admin, I get some weird connections via IP 6 media connected. when I try to release the state it say requires elevation and I don't have admin rights.
I always see a protected storage running S-1-5-21-4158074477-3187036503-3076259393-1000
There is many other files as well. No matter if I load windows today, when I look in the directories they will all have todays date. In a few days It has new directories dated 11-02-06. and funny names like WIFEMAN.dll BIGKID.dll savedgames.dll
I bought new Vista CDS but im starting to wonder if someone has writting inforamtion onto the CDs or do they get my UUID when I go on line and change my system...
This has been going on since 2005 , can someone help stop or Identify who is doing this. Im willing to pay for identification.
I found a UUID 44ba1fff-edoc-43do-9df6-f9492ddd6c58
and last how can I load a original Windows copy that I know is from microsoft.

In a few days in takes away the admin, I get some weird connections via IP 6 media connected. when I try to release the state it say requires elevation and I don't have admin rights.
I always see a protected storage running S-1-5-21-4158074477-3187036503-3076259393-1000
There is many other files as well. No matter if I load windows today, when I look in the directories they will all have todays date. In a few days It has new directories dated 11-02-06. and funny names like WIFEMAN.dll BIGKID.dll savedgames.dll
I bought new Vista CDS but im starting to wonder if someone has writting inforamtion onto the CDs or do they get my UUID when I go on line and change my system...
This has been going on since 2005 , can someone help stop or Identify who is doing this. Im willing to pay for identification.
I found a UUID 44ba1fff-edoc-43do-9df6-f9492ddd6c58
and last how can I load a original Windows copy that I know is from microsoft.