stuck on WAN miniport connecting...


New Member
Ive a new inspiron 550 with vista home basic. it sucks and i hate it but one thing that sucks the most is it acts as though I have no cable connected to it when trying to get online. It is a completely random problem, but happens 1/3 times i turn on system and try to connect to net. I have 2 other systems and have friends bring over systems from all makes of windows and this is the only system which refuses to connect. I can leave it on redial and eventually it will simply work like nothing has happened or changed. Ive changed and tweaked all the internet options, security settings and firewalls more times than anyone should have too with no change to this completely random and ignored problem. When i call Dell my spit can tell me more about the problem than those asshats, It seems to be a driver problem but have redownloaded and completely removed drivers multiple times with no noticeable change. is it just vista? like all other dell products are just a cash grab and dash with no solution? any help is more help than has been offered...:cry:

My Computer

Intermittent problems are generally more likely to involve hardware. A driver is software; given the same starting conditions, a driver will always respond the same way, irrespective of whether that's "good" or "bad". From memory, the Inspirions are the budget line, so it may be a combination of questionable hardware and a less-than-stellar driver, but it's likely that hardware is involved at least on some level.

You're talking about (re)dialing, so I'm assuming this is PPPoE or even dial-up? You should include more information about the exact method of connection, the error messages - if any - and the precise steps you use to initiate the connection. Also, does the same problem occur if you boot to [safe mode + net]?

Lastly, I'd suggest keeping the ol' level of frustration in check. I know it's not pleasant, but it's just a machine with a mechanical problem - whether software or hardware. Getting angry at Dell is pointless (I've had plenty of amazingly good experiences with Dell, albeit with their business range), and Vista itself certainly doesn't have this problem otherwise the forum wouldn't be here cos nobody could connect :)

My Computer

Pfft, Dell, and windows (vista) have a monopoly and your telling me dont get angry when I'm trying to fix the most basic of computer uses--getting online. I bet you had to pay extra for that "premium customer service" for you to have such a positive experience. Well I was given a combination of inferior parts and drivers I'm told so what else but crap can i call this heap. I have had many computers before with no "out of the box" problems regarless of cost. I have 2 systems sitting beside me 10 years and 5 years old, which connect like a dream still and I have to use them as alternatives. problem solved i guess--I got crooked, get better ****, avoid dell, word.

My Computer

please dont mistake anger at you for your assistance, but it is clearly frustrating and that frustation is directed at Dell and Windows Vista in specific, ty for trying to assist.

My Computer

Pfft, Dell, and windows (vista) have a monopoly and your telling me dont get angry when I'm trying to fix the most basic of computer uses--getting online. I bet you had to pay extra for that "premium customer service" for you to have such a positive experience. Well I was given a combination of inferior parts and drivers I'm told so what else but crap can i call this heap. I have had many computers before with no "out of the box" problems regarless of cost. I have 2 systems sitting beside me 10 years and 5 years old, which connect like a dream still and I have to use them as alternatives. problem solved i guess--I got crooked, get better ****, avoid dell, word.

Good luck with your problem.

My Computer
