Hi, I have a Dell Inspiron notbeook, pre-installed with Vista Home Premium. Apart from what came from the manufacturer, this machines is pretty much clean - that is other than the Trend Micro Security suite installed, there is nothing else. Maybe the Adobe Flash and Adobe reader. I have downloaded the SP1 and installed it. The installation went smooth until it shutdowns and restart - message was something like - 1 of 3 updates... x% It went for about 6 hours apparently idle - the screen is black with the cursor blinking on top left corner and non responsive. I decided to turn it off and when reboot the machine displays a message - Resuming Windows and goes back to a black screen with the cursor on the top left corner and unresponsive.. Tried to reboot in safe mode and it does not work - it just displays a message Resuming Windows and goes back to a black screen... Any help is welcome. Thanks.