Hello everyone,
I have spent a lot of time looking for the solution to the problem quoted in the topic title and I know that some of you experience the same. As it appears in a couple of threads it makes it hard to post a response in each of them, so I will create a new one.
The problem usually occurs on computers running p2p programs or other software that creates many connections. The problem is a bug in ICS (internet connection sharing), you can read a discussion here :
Vista RTM can't open new socket. - MSDN Forums
If you don't want to read the whole discussion, you can just check this link containing the solution :
After you configure Internet Connection Sharing in Windows Vista, the network connection stops working after one-to-two hours
Hope it helps
I have spent a lot of time looking for the solution to the problem quoted in the topic title and I know that some of you experience the same. As it appears in a couple of threads it makes it hard to post a response in each of them, so I will create a new one.
The problem usually occurs on computers running p2p programs or other software that creates many connections. The problem is a bug in ICS (internet connection sharing), you can read a discussion here :
Vista RTM can't open new socket. - MSDN Forums
If you don't want to read the whole discussion, you can just check this link containing the solution :
After you configure Internet Connection Sharing in Windows Vista, the network connection stops working after one-to-two hours
Hope it helps
