Solved Sins of a Solar Empire Network problem


New Member
OKAY the answer to many has been looking for on how to get around the problem "Cannot access due to a location on the network" and I recommend to not installing Sins of a solar empire from a shared drive or other location but only on the computer you choose to install it on.

You will need 1 program, "RegWorks" this is an advance search program for "Regedit".

After installing this program, open it. Hit Ctrl F (Brings up search)

Search these key words>

Stardock and delete all entry's.
Sins of a solar empire delete all entry's

Now search for the "Error" location that of which your game is trying to install/uninstall from. Example, my was

//TARDIS/PORTAL something...

I search up the first word "TARDIS" and deleted all entry's.

Reboot computer to be safe or skip this and do next step

Run the CD when menu comes up, do a "Uninstall" first, and then try installing. This should work perfectly.

My Computer
