Service Pack 2 Vista64 H/P The string universal unique identifier (UUID) is invalid


New Member
Hi all

I have tried to install Vista's Service Pack 2 now several times and have tried several things.

I have tried everything on this page How to troubleshoot Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 service pack installation issues

I never installed the beta version of Service Pack 2 as i have been waiting for the official release. I am running Vista 64bit Home Premium. I have a successful installation of Vista service pack 1 and all other updates since then.

I am now stuck at resolution 4 on the above support link . A message comes up in a box/window after Service Pack 2 has reverted the attempted installation and windows loads up to desktop. The box says failed to install then below that reads the error with code (0x800706a9)(The string universal unique identifier (UUID) is invalid)

I can find very little about the error through various search engines. I can only think i may have missed an update or something required to prep my system for SP2. I currently am searching for info on this.

If anyone has had an error similar or a similar problem and knows a solution i'd appreciate any feedback.

My Computer

Re: Service Pack 2 Vista64 H/P The string universal unique identifier (UUID) is inval

Just to keep everyone updated. In windows update the Service Pack 2 option has disappeared and now Microsoft have a new list of updates for my system that obviously need to be installed first to prep my system. My advice to anyone having problems is to sit and wait for Microsoft to fix their stuff up.

My Computer

Re: Service Pack 2 Vista64 H/P The string universal unique identifier (UUID) is inval

I tried the updates from Microsoft in order to fix this problem but i still cant install service pack 2 for Vista 64 bit.

Thanks Microsoft. What should just be an update that should just install reverts changes all the time. No way am i buying Windows 7 when Vista was no where near worth what it retailed for.

And thanks for all the help on here to you all been great replying so much to my thread.

My Computer
