My laptop is seriously infected. I have a google redirect virus among many many others. Sometimes when I boot up I can open my normal desktop settings and others it loads a black background and only a recycle bin. It will not allow me to open any folders or files. It has bubble that pops up and states something along the lines of it not being able to load the admin settings. I ran the computer in safemode with networking and attempted to run rkill which is a program designed to track and stop malware from stoping a malware or virus scanner from running. I have used it before. When i attempted to run it, it went to the blue screen of death and reboots. Then I just ran malewarebytes and got 783 infected files and choose the remove all option. I allowed it to reboot and it took 20 mins and never rebooted. I manually shut it down from the button and now the computer is far worse off then before. It takes 3-4 attempts at booting it too get safemode to even work. then when it loads the desktop wont allow me to open anything. I hope someone can help me cause the computer is only a year old. Thank you