New Member
ok first of all sorry to use this topic but i saw way too many threads so I figured i might get help sooner from you guys here... I had been using the true admin account to do my everyday work (now i know i shouldn't have) also had my old admin account (both password protected) and lastnight i decided to change my SID using the NewSid program just for kicks and giggles.. the first time around it just sat there for a couple hours not managing anything but to open a new account.. the machine account... since i had no idea what it was or what it did i chose to delete it (again, now i know i shouldn't have).. then i tried the NewSid again, only this time it worked.. it did what it was supposed to change registries and hives, and rebooted the system..
only to find out I only had my guest account, my admin and regular account were not showing up at all just the guest one is showing up yet my hard drive is still intact, and I can still see my admin and regular account folders.. just cant access them.. any help is highly appreciated, thanks for your time!