same webpage.. different arhitecture, different results :)


New Member
Hi there,

I have 2 PCs with different vista
1) 32 bits
2) 64 bits

and 1 router with management.. and i try to connect to the webpage..

I use, telnet IP port 80, on:
1) 32 bits its working
2) 64 bits NOT working

I use telnet IP without port 80

1) 32 bits its working
2) 64 bits its working

Ping reply from router`s IP, its working on both 32 and 64..

both PCs have the same programs installed.. bitdefender.. firefox.. opera..

vista 64 refuse to see the page from my local router.. on browser or on telnet, simply refuse to see that page..

any idea ?

best regards,

My Computer
