New Member
I need some serrious help please from anyone that knows what I should do. I have a gateway laptop p6860-FX. The problem is that I thought when I put a password on the BIOS that if the laptop was stolen the person would have to go thru alot of trouble to crack it. I just found out at Gateways site that all I have to do to clear the BISO password is 1) tun laptop off 2) set a the number one jumper to set three for a whole two seconds, retun the jumper back to set one and then tun the laptop back on BAM the BIOS pw is gone. CAN i do anything to the laptop to make it worthless if it is stolen? This is absurd in a whole two seconds my 1,300 laptop if stolen can be fully used as if it was never password protected. help please im begging for any suggestions. I use it as a game laptop when I travel. help