Ive never experienced this before... Ive been using vista for a year and a half, and on my new computer (this computer im using, I got this in august) and whenever I try to right-click any icon in my background (besides the recycle bin) it gives me the error 'windows explorer has stopped working...' then 'windows explorer is restarting' (not a full reboot, just everything temporarily dissapears and reappears exept for my background, but everything is still running). This also happens when I try to right-click any quick-launch icon or any icon in my start menu recently used program area... help please? Ive reformatted my comp 2 times before because of random bugs Ive had (game stutters, small spikes) which have gone away, and this windows has been running since monday (with all drivers from the manufacturers website, not disc drivers). But this puzzles me. And I partitioned my hard drive into 2 parts (I installed vista on one after I partitioned, the other partition is for windows 7 beta which isnt installed yet).