Realtek HD Changing Jack output reassignments ( FIX )


Mappings are saved in the following location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000\Settings\DevType_0888_SS147b1083 or ending in DevType_0885_SS18490890

"Pin00" = Rear Green-Coded "FR FL" jack
"Pin01" = Rear black-coded "RR RL" jack

"Pin02" = Center/Subwoofer
"Pin04" = Mic-In

"01 00 00 00" = Mic-in
"02 00 00 00" = headphones
"04 00 00 00" = Front speakers
"05 00 00 00" = Rear speakers
"06 00 00 00" = Center/subwoofer
"07 00 00 00" = Side speakers

Example if i want "Pin01" = rear black-coded "RR RL" jack to be front speakers all i have to do is Pin01 - 04 00 00 00.

Atleast now i can change the ports by editing the Pin binary numbers! . If you can't change jack output assignment this will fix it :D oh and it sounds great :D., i turned my Center/Subwoofer to front speaker out put so my rears are stereo just like my fronts and not speaker filled rubbish
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My Computer

Had this problem with my Realtek as well (one of the jacks were broken)
This reassignment worked fine for me, with the exception that the registry entries wouldn't show up.

I am pretty sure they finally showed up after unplugging and replugging the jacks, and rebooting, then I could reassign and reboot for full audio.

This is the best solution I can find ANYWHERE I'd hate to see this knowledge disappear into some archive.

My Computer

Can you tell me exactly where can I find the location of this file or whatever it is, because I can`t find any DevType on the hdd on my laptop... or maybe it`s only for desktop computers? Thank you!

My Computer
