Ok, I tried going to 64bit a little over a week ago, and it was unstable, crashing and all kinds of things. So I went back to 32bit on Sunday evening. The problem I'm having is that half the time my websites will load. Like when I click on Firefox, it's waiting on a reply in the bottom left corner and doesn't do anything. Nothing happens at all. Same with IE7. What I don't get is why, when I rebooted my computer just now, it popped right up no problem, but most of the time it stops in mid process like it forgot where it was going. I know my system is caching and all that again, but the net is still not working correctly. I've released and renewed ip, I've uninstalled and reinstalled and all kinds of things, but it's still doing it more often than not. Anybody else have this problem when they went to vista and anybody have any advice?
It's only the web browsers, not my games, or messaging programs. Just the browsers.
It's only the web browsers, not my games, or messaging programs. Just the browsers.
My Computer
System One
- Intel Core 2 Duo
- Motherboard
- Nvidia 780i SLI
- Memory
- 4GB 7200 RPM
- Graphics card(s)
- Geforce 8800GT
- Monitor(s) Displays
- 17" Plasma LCD Westinghouse
- Hard Drives
- Hitachi 500G
- Case
- Smilidon Raidmax
- Cooling
- Coolmaster (Along with two aftermarket fans)
- Keyboard
- Razer Lycosa