PowerShell History


Vista Guru
Gold Member
The Lazy Admin : PowerShell History

DOSKEY was used to enable you to recall and edit previously entered commands within the Command.exe (or CMD.exe). PowerShell takes this idea to the next level with the Get-History command.

By entering Get-History in PowerShell you will be shown a list of the most recent cmdlets that have been run.

To run a cmdlet again, it is as simple as running the invoke-history cmdlet.

You can get a more specific list of cmdlets run by piping "where {$_.commandLine -like "variable"}" This will display all cmdlets that have been run that match the variable, and wildcards are acceptable.
get-history | where {$_.commandLine -like "*process*"}

The get-history cmdlet buffer will hold the last 64 commands run. You can increase this by running the following command.
$MaximumHistoryCount=#### (replace #### with the number)

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