PowerShell and Registry Access


Vista Guru
Gold Member
pshell.info / PowerShell and registry access

PowerShell can access the Registry like normal FileSystem Drives, Simply type;

cd Registry:: (two :: for full access)
cd HKLM:
cd HKCU:

Isn’t that simple? Now you can use the dir or ls command (aliases for get-childitem) to list the content.

The get-childitem cmdlet only returns subkeys and not the properties of a key (see this page for more information). To get at the properties of a key, use the get-childitemproperty cmdlet. For Example:

cd hkcu:\Software

To create a key in the registry, use the mkdir command as you would with a folder on the file system. For example

mkdir hkcu:\mykeyname

The above command creates the key myregkey is HKEY_CURRENT_USER. To remove it use rmdir or remove-item.

If you want to create an extra property, use the new-itemproperty cmdlet. That cmdlet takes a few parameters like the name of the property (-name), the type of the property (-propertytype) and the value (-value). As property type you can use: string, expandstring, binary, dword and multistring. An example

New-ItemProperty HKCU:\mykeyname -name myprop -propertytype DWord -value 1
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