PLEASE HELP: Possible User Accounts Issue


New Member
Hi Team,

I hope you can help me on this, as I cannot find a solution elsewhere. A few days ago I start receiving this error message when logging to Vista: "C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\[COLOR=#3676a2! important][COLOR=#3676a2! important]Desktop[/COLOR][/COLOR] refers to a location that is unavailable."
Whenever I recieve it, most of the apps did not worked, i.e. Itunes brought a message that I did not have Admin rights.
I tried restoring sytem to several points and times but it did not helped.
The failure is intermitent, meaning that if I reboot several times, in one of those it opens normally and I can work without issues.
Doing some digging/trial&error, I identified this must be related to user account, since if I log off and long again even with the same account it works perfect again.
Hope you can help me. Thanks.

My Computer
