Please help me!! I would do anything


New Member
Hello Guys! I am playing alot of games.. I play for example Counter Strike Source.
I have 2 gb RAM - Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 cPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz 2.40GHz
64 bit Vista. With Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT.
When I for example play source.. and exit it.. It comes like ALot of colors and things.. and cant do anything.. Have to restart the computer to get back.. Same with FIFA 08.. When I start Fifa 08 happens the same thing.. It comes Red/Black/White.. and cant get out or something.. have to restart.. so annoying.. Can only play like Source.. and then after I have to restart to get back to desktop.
I cant do ''Alt option'' . PLEASE HELP!!! :cry::cry::cry:

My Computer

Hi Wiraax

Welcome to the forums.

I would make sure you got Service Pack 1 installed for Vista and make sure you have the latest video card driver installed from the manufacturer website.

My Computer

lol.. tbh.. I already have Service Pack 1 and if this could be any help I got Vista Ultimate...
- Thanks for helping me anyways :P

My Computer
