The craziest thing happened my pci wireless antenna which worked fine 3 days ago suddenly stopped working, I start Xp and it works fine, I haven't had any problems before 3 days ago, I've completely formated the partition and re-installed vista x64 ultimate, And still doesn't work, Tried a static ip(which i didn't have to do before)|Also I work at a hotel with a wireless Access point, Then a gateway, then the modem, Does anyone have any idea whats going on? or what might've happened, The wireless properties say ip4 local and ip6 limited and media state enabled, I'll post screens if someone can help hopefully. thanks
Thanks for the reply, I've read about disabling ipv6 but don't know how to disable, I've checked everything in the network and sharing windows but can't find how to disable it. The wierd thing is it was working fine, then all of a sudden nothing, This is my xp ipconfig /all and my vista one, Any more thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated
Vista network and sharing window + wireless properties window
after playing with it i had it connected to the access point but no internet and it said local only
nope didnt help, i noticed in my configuration of the card in xp has alot more options than currently in vista , when it worked in vista it had all the properties like in the picture, now it only has 1/4 of the options to configure, also someone else here with vista is having the same problem it was working yesterday but not today and mine stopped 3 days ago i dont know
the screen you attached was the advanced properties screen we need to be in the connection properties.
to get there ...
From Network and Sharing Centre
on the left panel click on Manage Network Connections
on the connections screen that appears .. Right click the wireless connection and select properties on the menu that appears
This will show a box similar to this one ...
you need to un-tick the tcp/IPv6 entry
back to the Network and Sharing centre
and select Manage Wireless Networks
in the screen that appears select the wireless network and click Remove
close the boxes and reboot your PC.
when you are back at the desktop screen you should see a pop-up "Wireless Networks are available" click on this and follow the prompts to set up your connection.
Of course if other users at your location are also experiencing this problem it could be related to the router setup in that case you would need to discuss this with whoever maintains the router..