Until recently I could open my online pdf bank statements and from a drop down list select Print. Suddenly I find that when I click on open I am presented with a window labelled Scanners and cameras. An icon in the window shows my HP deskjet F4400 and I cannot get to the pdf document.I spoke with the bank help line but they say it is not their problem. I am at a loss to restore the previous method. Any suggestions would be appreciated. GordonHS
Without mentioning names you are probably using one of the most popular PDF reading software. Many here, including myself use foxit. It has many less problems and has a very small footprint. I think you will like it. Donwload and tell us what you think. The new software should resolve your problem. Foxit PDF Reader: The Best Free PDF Reader to Create, Annotate, Form Fill, View, and Print PDFs
If I were you, I would make a system restore point, just in case you do not want Foxit, after download you can use System Restore to remove everything and be back the way you were.
Thanks richc46 and townsbg. I used the similar threads and found that I could change one .pdf file from imaging device to Adobe Reader and that solved my problem. I will keep in mind Foxit PDF Reader as an option. I didn't know it existed. Thanks again. GordonHS