Password in other language


New Member
I recently set my password in Arabic, to decrease the chance that it would be guessed, but now I cannot log on. There is no option to set the language to another language other than English, which is the default. I appreciate any and all help I recieve in this matter.

My Computer

Not exactly. There is no language bar at all on the login screen. I have no way of getting past the login screen.

Just a suggestion ......

Go to Safe Mode > at the safe mode logon screen, if you see another account that you have not seen before, that is your Built-in Admin Account.By default, it has no password.
Logon to that account > use it to change your own account password back to English.

How to go to safe mode .....
Turn off the computer > turn it back on > immediately and repeatedly tap F8 key until you see a black and white screen. Use the Up/Down arrow key to select Safe Mode.
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My Computer

There is no default admin account, no password recovery disc. Is it possible to make one from another computer?

>>> There is no default admin account
Did you go to safe mode to look for the built-in admin ?

>>> no password recovery disc. Is it possible to make one from another computer?
No...... sorry.

If you are unable to resolve this issue, there are 2 more options ( that I know of )....

1. Call your computer manufacturer, and ask for a set of recovery dics. The cost is minimal. Ask them to teach you how to use it.

2. Bite the bullet and take it to your " trusted " computer service shop. They can crack your password protection and recover the computer for you.

My Computer
