Hi, ryanyo88, and welcome to the forums.
You can only add that green chunk to the other blue chunk inside that green
The technical definition: There are two types of partitions - primary, and extended. Primary are the types of the first two. Extended typically show in XP and Vista with a green border around them - that whole big green bordered thing is one big extended partition space, in which you can create as many partitions as you want - but none of the space *inside* that thing can be reclaimed for use *outside the green box without reclaiming *all* of what is inside the green box.
Furthermore, even if you remove all the partitions inside the extended partition space (green box) and then remove the green box itself, so you're left with nothing but a black unpartitioned space, you cannot just add it to your *first* partition - they have to be together.
Now, the good news - you should be able to delete the extended partitions and space, then use a third party partition tool to 'move' the second primary partition to the end of the drive - and that will put space next to your Vista partition - then you should be able to reclaim the space for Vista.
***WARNING*** when you delete the extended partitions and the Extended Space, all the files and data in those partitions ***will be gone***. So, if you plan on doing this, keep that in mind.
Don't come to me flaming me that you lost stuff in there - use common sense - you're *deleting* a partition - and you know what the word delete means.