Outlook 2007 DSN


New Member
I have a user at my office who is trying to send an email, to an account on a separate email server, on a different network. The user requested read receipts be sent. The message returns with the following error message "Delivery to these recipients ordistribution lists is complete, but delivery notification was not sent by the destination"

The only info I could find on this is below:

Quote, "The message is a result of the sender requesting a delivery receipt when sending the email and the receiving mail server being configured NOT to send delivery receipts. To stop receiving this email, do not request delivery notifications for this receipiant." end Quote

To me, this says that they got the message, they just can't send the delivery notification. Which is why the DSN say 'notification was not sent by destination'. But the user's that this email is going to never get the message.

The emails are being sent with attachments, 4 .pdf files no more that 40 pages all together (which the user told me is smaller than what is normally sent). The recipient will receive emails without attachments, and before today, would receive emails with.

Any hints or tips on what the error means, and where to begin with resolving it would ge greatly appreciated.

My Computer
